We (dirtbags, etc.) usually pride ourselves on our practical attire, but now the fashion industry is calling us stylish as well: “Wearing everything you own in one outfit appears to be an expression of a sustainable nomadic lifestyle, a tentative way to reduce your carbon imprint on the planet, even if the gesture is using less space for your wardrobe,” states the article “Winter in America (Florence)” in the New York Times Magazine Fashion Blog. So, throw out your expensive-looking clothes and replace them with layers of expensive dirtbag-look-a-like clothing, and you’re on your way to being chic.
Apparently, one of the fashion shows at the renowned Pitti Immagine Uomo trade fair in Florence, held in an old warehouse, even used “300 20-foot-high tree trunks to make you feel like you were walking in a forest.” Maybe large granite boulders next year and, better yet, the runway models can make their finger tips look like they’ve been squeezing crimmpers, and their hands like they’ve been climbing cracks (tattoo gobies, anyone?).
To read more about runway models dressed as “mountaineers,” or about how “…the crumbling financial markets may be responsible for this back-to-nature escapism” go to http://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com.
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